Singapore Garden Festival 2018 - 2

Upon arrival at the Garden Festival ground, I seek out the air-conditioned tentage such as this called "Fantasy Gardens", partly because it sounds interesting and to escape the humid afternoon sun.

This exhibit by Tom Massey is called "Precious Land" of a lone tree amid the backdrop of a red sun.

It's certainly attracted many photographers. 
This exhibit called "African Beat' by Leon Kluge won this year's best of show award. Even though I am not into landscaping, however I do admire these beautiful works of art by the various designers.

The lighting was subdued for a great atmosphere and to enhance the exhibits. As it was a weekday there is a smaller crowd. In the tentage, there was ample walking space to cater to the large number of visitors that are expected to come for the festival. It's a bi-annual event and one that I enjoyed coming to since its inauguration.
