My Favourite Photos - 7

This evening when I was about to go for my daily jog at the park, noticed the sky was suddenly getting very dark. Rain clouds were gathering, it looked like it was about to rain heavily. This was when I noticed this rainbow on the east facing window. In fact there were two rainbows, the other was less visible. The condition was just right for a heavenly display as the darkened sky caused the rainbow to stand out significantly with all it's colors. It's the first time I seen such a beautiful rainbow, those I seen in the past were mostly against a brighter sky, thus not as visible as this. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me except for my handphone. 

A closer look at the beautiful rainbow in all it's glory. All too soon the sky brightened as the dark clouds moved away in a south easterly direction. It was getting less visible and soon it was gone. What a sight it was :) 


  1. Indeed, a very beautiful rainbow. I have not seen such a rainbow with such vivid colours.

  2. Indeed it is, wonder if there is a pot of gold at either end like they say :)

  3. Would be great if we can find where the rainbow ends.

  4. What one would find would probably be "Fools Gold" ha ha..


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